Pereiti į pagrindinį turinį

Pokyčių poveikio numatymas ir valdymas

Pokyčių poveikio numatymas ir valdymas – viena iš šešių pagrindinių EUROFOUND darbo programos veiklos sričių 2021–2024 m. laikotarpiu. EUROFOUND pateiks ES ekonomiką ir darbo rinkas veikiančių struktūrinių pokyčių, kuriuos daugiausia skatina skaitmeninimas ir perėjimas prie anglies dioksido neišskiriančios ekonomikos , bet kartu ir COVID-19 krizė, įrodymų. Tyrimo tikslas – padėti politikos formuotojams numatyti ir paruošti Europos darbo rinkas ir darbo vietas šiems pokyčiams.

Nuo 2021 m. EUROFOUND pateiks savo įžvalgas apie šių didžiųjų tendencijų poveikį gyvenimo ir darbo sąlygoms ES. Skaitmeninimo srityje tyrime daug dėmesio bus skiriama poveikiui užimtumui ir darbo sąlygoms, taip pat darbo rinkai. Kitos sritys apima socialinį dialogą ir jo reikšmę formuojant struktūrinius pokyčius, reguliavimo sistemas, socialinę apsaugą ir dirbtinį intelektą (DI). Remiantis ankstesniais darbo skaitmeninėse platformose tyrimais 2021–2024 m. laikotarpiu suteikiama galimybė daug dėmesio skirti veiklos planavimui ir politikos iniciatyvų veiksmingumo vertinimui sprendžiant nustatytus su darbu skaitmeninėse platformose susijusius sunkumus.

EUROFOUND taip pat sieks remti ES perėjimą prie anglies dioksido neišskiriančios ekonomikos, įskaitant žiedinę ekonomiką ir ES ekonomikos gaivinimo priemonę „Next Generation EU“, nagrinėjant socialinius ir ekonominius padarinius. Jie apima pokyčius užimtumo srityje ir keičiamas darbo vietas bei darbo sąlygas, taip pat kovos su klimato kaita politikos paskirstymo poveikį. Dalis šio darbo bus paremta EUROFOUND bandomojo projekto „Gamybos ateitis“ (angl. FOME) rezultatais.

Siekdamas šį darbą tęsti 2021–2024 m. EUROFOUND bendradarbiaus su įvairiomis tarptautinėmis organizacijomis ir ES agentūromis, pavyzdžiui, Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA), kovos su klimato kaita politikos socialinio poveikio srityje. Be to, bus glaudžiau bendradarbiaujama su kitais mokslinius tyrimus atliekančiais subjektais skaitmeninimo srityje: Jungtiniu tyrimų centru (JRC), Europos Sąjungos pagrindinių teisių agentūra (FRA) ir Europos darbuotojų saugos ir sveikatos agentūra (EU-OSHA). Kintančios darbo rinkos klausimu taip pat numatoma toliau stiprinti partnerystę su Tarptautine darbo organizacija (TDO).

„ES ekonomikai ir darbo rinkoms būdingas didžiųjų tendencijų poveikis, visų pirma skaitmeninimas ir perėjimas prie anglies dioksido neišskiriančios ekonomikos. Svarbu išnagrinėti, kaip būtent toks perėjimas veikia, kas keičiasi ir kaip tai veikia ne tik įmones, bet ir darbo jėgą ir visuomenę.“

Irene Mandl, Užimtumo skyriaus vadovė


Recent updates


Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database...


Not only do we need appropriate policy measures to drive the shift to a carbon-neutral economy, we also need sound policy to ensure no one is left behind – we...


Pagrindiniai politikos siekiai


Pagrindiniais EUROFOUND tyrimų rezultatais politikos formuotojai vadovaujasi spręsdami tam tikrus svarbius šios srities klausimus.

  • Labai svarbu remti darbdavius ir darbuotojus dvejopos pertvarkos metu pereinant prie skaitmeninio amžiaus ir anglies dioksido neišskiriančios ekonomikos. Be šių struktūrinių pokyčių Europos ekonomikai ir darbo rinkai didžiulių sunkumų kelia dabartinė COVID-19 pandemija.
  • Europos darbo rinkose daugėja naujų užimtumo formų, pavyzdžiui, darbas skaitmeninėse platformose ir IRT pagrįstas mobilus darbas. Darbo rinkose naudojamos IRT ir joms būdingi nauji darbdavių ir darbuotojų darbo santykių tipai, kurie keičia darbo organizavimą ir darbo modelius. Tai atvers naujų galimybių ir kels tam tikrų pavojų ES darbo rinkose, kurios pereina prie anglies dioksido neišskiriančios ekonomikos ir skaitmeninės transformacijos, atsižvelgiant į COVID-19 pandemiją.
  • Skaitmeninės technologijos transformuoja darbą ir darbo vietas bei skatina darbo rinkų pokyčius, pavyzdžiui, restruktūrizavimą ir darbo vietų sumažėjimą, bet taip pat naujų profesinių profilių kūrimąsi. Dėl gamybos ir paslaugų teikimo skaitmeninimo pritaikomas darbo užduočių pobūdis. To rezultatas yra įvairių įgūdžių poreikis.
  • Bus svarbu ištirti bendrą skaitmeninimo ir perėjimo prie anglies dioksido neišskiriančios ekonomikos poveikį po COVID-19 pandemijos ir tai, kaip jie vienas kitą papildo arba kaip vieno iš jų teikiama nauda gali atsverti neigiamą kito poveikį.
  • Technologijomis grindžiamas potencialas rengti, rinkti ir naudoti didelius kiekius duomenų gali padidinti Europos įmonių ir darbo vietų kokybės konkurencingumą. Tačiau bus itin svarbu užtikrinti, kad būtų išaiškinti, tinkamai reglamentuojami ir įgyvendinami duomenų nuosavybės ir duomenų apsaugos klausimai, siekiant išvengti netinkamo duomenų panaudojimo ir neetiško elgesio.

2021–2024 work plan

From 2021 onwards, Eurofound will provide insights into the impact of these megatrends on living and working conditions in the EU. In the area of digitalisation, research will focus on the impact on employment and working conditions, as well as on the labour market. Areas to be covered will include social dialogue and its role in shaping structural change, regulatory frameworks, social protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Building on previous research on platform work, the 2021–2024 period will be an opportunity to focus on mapping and providing an assessment of the effectiveness of policy initiatives in tackling the challenges identified with platform work.

Eurofound will also aim to support the EU’s transition to a carbon-neutral economy, including the circular economy and the implementation of the EU’s recovery instrument NextGenerationEU, by investigating the socioeconomic effects. These include employment shifts and the transformation of jobs and working conditions, as well as the distributional impact of climate change policies. Some of this work will build on the results of a pilot project on the future of manufacturing (FOME) carried out by Eurofound.

To continue this work in 2021–2024, Eurofound will cooperate with various international organisations and EU agencies, for example with the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the area of social impacts of climate change policies. Furthermore, existing collaboration with other research actors in the fields of digitalisation – the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) – will be consolidated. Further partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) is also foreseen on the subject of the changing world of work.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action to address the transitions to both a carbon-neutral economy and the digital age in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as helping to understand the impact of these changes at EU and national levels. For example, research on the impact of these drivers of change on the workplace level will provide insight into how to best support employers and workers so they can seize the opportunities and mitigate the challenges related to these developments. Eurofound’s research will also seek to support businesses in their efforts to adapt to a constantly evolving global economy. Furthermore, the examination of the distributional impacts of climate change policies and of measures to ensure social justice will provide knowledge to help implement the Just Transition Fund. The monitoring of reforms and recent financial support will also allow for an exchange of policy approaches and lessons learned.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines for 2021–2024, feeding directly into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, the research will support the following Commission priorities:


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues its research on the impact of digitalisation and the transition to a climate-neutral economy on working life. 

Various research strands linked with the digital and green transitions come to completion. This includes research into the impact of new developments in human–machine interaction on work organisation and working conditions. Research concludes on the impact of changes caused by the twin transitions at the sectoral level, focusing on the transformation of business activities, occupational and skill profiles, work organisation and working conditions. And analysis wraps up on the roles, opportunities and challenges of policy actors in the just transition, examining the design and implementation of Just Transition policies at the regional level, their mechanisms and the actors involved. 

Research continues on the impact of the green and digital transitions on the labour market and labour market actors with a project to explore company restructuring approaches and their ongoing adaptation strategies. Further research takes place on the socioeconomic impact of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy, monitoring the employment and social dimension of the green transition.

New research focuses on how managers’ roles and functions are impacted by the increase in telework and the shift towards more hybrid working in terms of challenges and opportunities.

The ongoing monitoring of the developments in the platform economy continues through Eurofound’s regularly updated web repository. Building on previous studies on platform work and the ongoing monitoring of policies and measures with regard to platform work through the web repository, new research focuses on the working conditions of online platform workers. This work aims to explore the characteristics of online platform workers and how they fare in relation to contractual arrangements and job quality, including pay, work intensity, working time, occupational health and safety, social environment and career prospects. It also explores the career goals of platform workers. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 Sausis 2024
Work programme

2022-ųjų pradžia buvo kupina atsargaus optimizmo. Europa pamažu ėmė atsigauti po dvejus metus trukusios COVID-19 pandemijos, o "NextGenerationEU" ekonomikos gaivinimo planas numatė stiprios ir tvarios ateities kūrimo priemones. Tačiau metų...

4 Gegužė 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Tina Weber is a research manager in Eurofound’s Working Life unit. Having previously shared her time between the Employment and Working Life units, her work has focused on labour...

Research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (64)

In this report, we provide projections of how the Fit for 55 policy package may affect the sectoral and occupational structure of employment in the EU by 2030, and the impacts across different regions and countries.

25 October 2023

Automation and digitisation technologies, including artificial intelligence, are rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly powerful and pervasive. The full range of their effects in the workplace is yet to be seen. It is, however, important not only to explore the ethical implications of digital te

12 September 2023

Šioje ataskaitoje nagrinėjama ES valstybių narių aplinkosauginės veiklos rezultatų dinamika ir kiek šių rezultatų skirtumai sumažėjo nuo XXI a. pirmojo dešimtmečio pradžios. Ataskaita parengta bendradarbiaujant EUROFOUND ir Europos aplinkos agentūrai; pastarosios techninė kompetencija konvergencijos

03 August 2023

Kad ES pereitų prie klimatui neutralios ekonomikos, būtina švari pramonės revoliucija. Šioje ataskaitoje, remiantis prognozavimo metodu, nagrinėjamas galimas tokių esminių pokyčių socialinis ir ekonominis poveikis įvairiems Europos regionams ir gyventojų grupėms. Siekiant geriau suprasti

19 June 2023

The rise of the platform economy during the last decade is one of the main disrupting forces for European labour markets. While standard employment remains the norm, platforms are expanding their reach and diversifying into novel business models. In doing so, they are also attracting an increasing n

16 May 2023

2022-ųjų pradžia buvo kupina atsargaus optimizmo. Europa pamažu ėmė atsigauti po dvejus metus trukusios COVID-19 pandemijos, o "NextGenerationEU" ekonomikos gaivinimo planas numatė stiprios ir tvarios ateities kūrimo priemones. Tačiau metų pradžioje Rusijai užpuolus Ukrainą, padėtis iš esmės

04 May 2023

Ataskaitoje nagrinėjami tikėtini ir įsivaizduojami scenarijai, kaip nuotolinis ir mišrus darbas ES galėtų keistis iki 2035 m., ir jų poveikis darbo rinkai. Kaip vadovai ir darbuotojai, darbdavių organizacijos ir profesinės sąjungos bei politikos formuotojai yra pasirengę šių darbo organizavimo formų

28 April 2023

This paper presents an analytical summary of current academic and policy literature on the impact of climate change and policies to manage the transition to a carbon-neutral economy on four key domains: employment, working conditions, social dialogue and living conditions. It maps the main empirical

12 April 2023

Mažmeninės bankininkystės sektorius labai tinka skaitmeninimo poveikiui darbui ir užimtumui tirti. Finansinės paslaugos vis dažniau teikiamos internetu, be tiesiogiai klientus aptarnaujančių įstaigų tarpininkavimo. Nuo pasaulinės finansų krizės daugelyje šio sektoriaus bankų vykdomas nuoseklus

26 September 2022

Digitisation and automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), can affect working conditions in a variety of ways and their use in the workplace raises a host of new ethical concerns. Recently, the policy debate surrounding these concerns has become more prominent and has

30 May 2022

Online resources results (48)

Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database captures new legislation concerning the use of algorithmic management in the employment

Climate change objectives and decarbonisation measures are vital for the future of Europe. But how will these objectives impact employment and the labour market? In this episode of the Eurofound Talks podcast series, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Senior Research Manager John Hurley about new

22 Lapkritis 2023
Image of a group of cyclists crossing at a street junction.

Facing up to the social realities of the green transition

The European Green Deal binds the European Union to becoming a climate-neutral territory by 2050. As part of this, the European Climate Law (June 2021) commits the EU to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% (compared with 1990 levels) by 2030. To achieve this, a fundamental transformati


Coronavirus highlights sick pay void for platform workers

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is starting to have a serious impact on the world economy. The consequences for platform workers are especially severe in light of forced work stoppages due to self-isolation and lack of sick pay in many cases. Recent media coverage shows that platform workers in


Amazon’s expansion in Europe

The U.S. online retail giant Amazon is investing heavily in Europe, creating 11,580 jobs in 2018 alone. As Europe turns towards e-commerce, automation and digitalisation, Amazon will play a key role in reshaping the retail sector. But its impacts are unlikely to be confined to retail alone.


Lloyds bank’s digital transformation

Lloyds Banking Group is investing £3 billion (€3.35 billion) in technology and staff to improve its digital services. As a result, the Group has announced that it is cutting over 6,000 existing positions while creating 8,000 new jobs oriented towards digital technologies. The move reflects the

Platform work and employment conditions Informal meeting of EU Employment and Social Policy Ministers (EPSCO), 19 July 2018, Vienna, Austria Presentation by Juan Menéndez-Valdés, Director, Eurofound

19 Liepa 2018

Task profiles development in response to future job needs EMCO meeting, 22 March 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria Presentation by Martina Bisello, Research Officer, Eurofound

27 Kovas 2018

Spain: AXA recognises workers’ right to turn phones off out of working hours

The beginning of 2017 witnessed increasing debate on allowing workers to disconnect their digital devices after working hours. In July 2017, insurance company AXA became the first company in Spain to recognise workers’ right to do so. The government is currently studying possible legislation in

Blogs results (27)

In the abstract, platform work is the matching of supply and demand for paid work through an online platform. In practice, most people are likely to have encountered it through big online platforms such as Uber, Deliveroo or Amazon Mechanical Turk. This is a new form employment that began to emerge

2 Lapkritis 2018

Manual jobs in European manufacturing are being transformed as blue-collar workers take on more intellectual tasks. This is a consequence of the increasing use of digital tools and the growing importance of quality control in production. The severe losses of middle-paying jobs in the manufacturing s

27 Rugsėjis 2018

Digital technologies are transforming work, but the implications have not yet been fully grasped. In a recent Eurofound report, we focus on three main vectors of change to discuss the effects of digital technologies on work and employment and the policy responses such change demands.

6 Birželis 2018

There are fears that thousands of jobs could be lost in financial services following the UK’s exit from the European Union. This blog piece explores some of the implications of Brexit for London’s financial hub, including the reactions of US banks.

12 Vasaris 2018
New-generation cars boost manufacturing employment

Rising levels of employment in manufacturing in the EU since 2013 have seen the part reversal of a long-term decline in employment in this sector. Data from the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) database to early September 2017 show that, for the first time since 2005, the number of new manufactu

25 Spalis 2017

In the digital age, there are fewer routine jobs because of a higher risk of automation. But a great paradox of this age is this: workers in most types of jobs, including high-skilled ones, are reporting higher levels of routine at work. This emerges from a new study of the task content of occupatio

28 Rugsėjis 2016

Since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, technological change has brought both opportunities and risks. However, the widespread entry of computing technology into the workplace in the 1980s, and in particular the arrival of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, has profoundly affected society and

25 Gegužė 2016


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