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Darba samaksa un ienākumi

Darba samaksa un ienākumi ir būtiski svarīgi darba attiecību un dzīves kvalitātes elementi. Notikumi ekonomikā un sabiedrībā, ko pastiprināja krīze, ES līmenī pievērsa šim jautājumam aizvien lielāku uzmanību.


Recent updates


This 2024 annual review of minimum wages provides a synopsis of minimum wage setting during 2023 in the EU27 and Norway. It reports in detail on the processes and outcomes...

26 Jūnijs 2024
Research report

EU context

Eiropas sociālo tiesību pīlārs pauž ES apņemšanos risināt jautājumu par darba algām — darba ņēmēju tiesības uz taisnīgu atalgojumu, kas nodrošina pienācīgu dzīves līmeni; nodrošināt pienācīgu minimālo algu; novērst nodarbinātu personu nabadzību.

Eurofound darbs

Eurofound regulāri ziņo par dažādiem darba samaksas un ienākumu aspektiem, ko ietekmē mainīgie ekonomiskie apstākļi Eiropā.

Darba samaksas novērošana

Eurofound Eiropas Darba dzīves novērošanas centrs (EurWORK) apkopo plašu informāciju par darba samaksu. Tā kā ziņojumi tiek sagatavoti regulāri, ir pieejami vispusīgi novērojumi par norisēm darba samaksas koplīgumu jomā, tādējādi nodrošinot tendenču novērošanu. Eurofound regulāri publicē tematiskos kopsavilkumus par likumā noteikto minimālo algu un koplīgumos noteikto darba samaksu. Tas novēro arī valstu līmeņa notikumus attiecībā uz darba algas noteikšanas mehānismiem, vienlīdzīgu darba samaksu, mainīgu atalgojumu, zemu atalgojumu un vīriešu un sieviešu darba samaksas atšķirību.

Darba dzīves valstu profili sniedz informāciju par valstī noteikto darba algu un tiek regulāri atjaunināti. EurWORK uztur divas datubāzes par darba samaksu (sk. tālāk norādītos resursus).

Eurofound Eiropas Darba uzraudzības centrs (EJM) analizē pārmaiņas nodarbinātības jomā, ņemot vērā dažādus kvalitatīvus pasākumus, tostarp darba samaksu. Proti, tas papildina mūsu zināšanas par nodarbinātības polarizāciju — šķiet, ka nodarbinātības līmenis algu sadalījuma augšējā un apakšējā sektorā palielinās vairāk nekā vidusdaļā.

Apsekojumu dati

Eurofound apsekojumos tiek pētīti arī darba samaksas nosacījumi ES. Eurofound pētījumā vērtējot darba kvalitāti, darba samaksa ir galvenais elements. Eiropas darba apstākļu apsekojumā (EWCS) ienākumi ir viens no septiņiem darba kvalitātes rādītājiem. EWCS ziņo arī par vīriešu un sieviešu darba samaksas atšķirību. Izpētiet EWCS interaktīvo datu vizualizācijas rīku.

Eiropas dzīves kvalitātes apsekojumā (EQLS) tiek novērota ienākumu ietekme uz dzīves līmeni un ienākumu nevienlīdzības saistība ar sociālo kohēziju un labjutību. Tajā tiek analizēts, kā krīze ir ietekmējusi ģimenes, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot ģimenēm ar maziem ienākumiem, mājsaimniecību parādiem un nabadzības riska grupām. EQLS arī apkopo informāciju par ienākumiem pensijā un iespējām pagarināt darba dzīvi. Izpētiet EQLS interaktīvo datu vizualizācijas rīku .

Eiropas uzņēmumu apsekojums (ECS) aplūko mainīga atalgojuma sistēmas uzņēmumos, kā arī šo uzņēmumu darbinieku īpatsvaru, ar kuriem noslēgti darba algas koplīgumi. Pamatojoties uz apsekojumu, informāciju par mainīgu atalgojumu un darba samaksas koplīgumiem var saistīt ar informāciju par darba organizāciju, cilvēkresursu pārvaldību, darba ņēmēju tiešo dalību un sociālo dialogu, kā arī ar darba rezultātiem un labjutību darbavietā.

Key outputs


2023. gada pārskats par minimālajām algām tika sagatavots bezprecedenta inflācijas kontekstā visā Eiropā. Lai gan tas daudzās valstīs izraisīja ievērojamu nominālo algu līmeņu pieaugumu, daudzos gadījumos ar to nepietika, lai...

29 Jūnijs 2023
Research report

Covid-19 pandēmijai bija atšķirīga ietekme uz sociālajām grupām atkarībā no pastāvošajiem nevienlīdzības aspektiem, un tika plaši uzskatīts, ka tā izraisīja nevienlīdzības pieaugumu dažādās dzīves jomās. Izmantojot Daudzdimensiju nevienlīdzības uzraudzības satvara...

24 Janvāris 2023
Research report

Šajā ziņojumā aplūkots mājsaimniecību bagātības sadalījums ES dalībvalstīs un analizēta bagātības nozīme sociālajā mobilitātē. Izmantojot datus no trim datu kopām (Mājsaimniecību finanšu un patēriņa apsekojuma, Apsekojuma par veselību, novecošanu un...

30 Marts 2021
Research report

Current and ongoing research



Eurofound expert(s)


Christine Aumayr-Pintar is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. Her current research topics include minimum wages, collectively agreed wages and gender...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Carlos Vacas Soriano is a research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He works on topics related to wage and income inequalities, minimum wages, low pay, job quality...

Research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (124)

This publication consists of individual country reports on working life during 2020 for 29 countries – the 27 EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom. The country reports summarise first evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on working life based on national research and survey

23 March 2021

Disclaimer: Please note that this report was updated with revised data (specifically for Bulgaria) on 23 March 2021.Šā ziņojuma mērķis ir novērtēt Covid-19 krīzes sākotnējo ietekmi uz nodarbinātību Eiropā (līdz 2020. gada 2. ceturksnim), tostarp tās ietekmi dažādās nozarēs un uz dažādām darba ņēmēju

11 March 2021

Closing gender gaps in the labour market by achieving the equal participation of women is among the key objectives of the new Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025. Despite significant progress in reducing the gender employment gap, it has stagnated over the past few years. Moreover, segregation in

09 December 2020

The EU strives for the upward convergence of its Member States, where their performance improves and gaps between them decrease. Nearly a decade after the Great Recession, the COVID-19 crisis has again put this objective under pressure. This policy brief focuses on convergence in material well-being

08 December 2020

The uneven impact of the 2008–2013 economic crisis on Member States brought upward convergence to the fore in EU political debates. The focus was on orienting social policy towards getting the EU back on track, as encapsulated in the European Pillar of Social Rights. However, the meaning of the conc

30 September 2020

This report presents the findings of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out by Eurofound to capture the far-reaching implications of the pandemic for the way people live and work across Europe. The survey was fielded online, among respondents who were reached via Eurofound’s

28 September 2020

This report, as part of an annual series on minimum wages, summarises the key developments during 2019 and early 2020 around the EU initiative on fair wages and puts the national debates on setting the rates for 2020 and beyond in this context. The report features how minimum wages were set and the

04 June 2020

Vien pāris nedēļu laikā jaunā koronavīrusa izraisītā Covid-19 pandēmija ir drastiski mainījusi cilvēku dzīvi visā pasaulē. Papildus postošajai ietekmei uz veselību cilvēkiem, kurus vīruss skāris tieši, Covid-19 pandēmija ir būtiski mainījusi cilvēku dzīvesveidu un darbu, ievērojami ietekmējot viņu

06 May 2020

This report addresses the problem of household over-indebtedness, which is broadly defined as being unable to make payments related to regular commitments.

12 March 2020

This report maps developments in the size of the middle class in the EU between 2004 and 2015 using Eurostat’s SILC survey, and analyses life satisfaction by income quartile (using Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Surveys). Before the crisis, the middle classes had expanded in around two-thirds

30 October 2019

Online resources results (889)

Germany: Latest working life developments – Q2 2016

The strong stability of industrial relations in the face of controversy over migration policies, the rise of right-wing populist campaigns and responses to the vote on Brexit are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

Austria: Latest working life developments – Q2 2016

Personnel changes and new proposals at federal level, the integration of refugees, entitlements to education and child support, and the results of collective bargaining are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Austria

Slovenia: Police end a six-month strike following agreement

A six-month strike by police officers was suspended in June. The agreement between the government and police unions gives pay rises to police officers amounting to between 8% and 20% by 2018. However, it has struck a blow to unity of the public sector wage system.

Norway: Latest working life developments – Q2 2016

Rising unemployment, the biennial renegotiation of nationwide collective agreements and proposed changes to legislation on temporary layoffs, working time and whistle-blowing are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

Portugal: Latest working life developments – Q2 2016

The re-introduction of four holidays and the 35-hour week in the public sector; as well as job precariousness and unemployment, are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Portugal in the first quarter of 2016.

Cyprus: Latest working life developments – Q2 2016

Presidential intervention to prevent a doctors’ strike, a dispute about renewal of collective agreements for airport ground staff and social outcry over women’s exclusion from the National Guard are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments

Romania: Latest working life developments – Q2 2016

Opposition to new measures to reduce public sector wage inequality, a fresh start for the Social and Economic Council, and new measures to reconcile family and working life are the main topics of interest of this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in Romanian working

Greece: The third memorandum’s plans for public administration

The third Memorandum of Understanding for Greece came into force from January 2016, which sets out measures that the government will have to implement before the end of 2018. These include tax policy reform, a more sustainable pension system, and improved management of health sector finances.

Slovenia: Seventh public sector pay agreement signed

The Slovenian government and public sector trade unions have agreed seven public sector pay agreements since the start of the economic crisis in 2008 in an effort to protect public sector employment by limiting the wage bill. Despite good economic growth in 2015, the seventh agreement, signed in

Hungary: Developments in working life – Q1 2016

Industrial action and protests in various sectors, wage bargaining in the competitive sector, difficult bargaining at company level, and a European Court of Justice ruling on Hungary’s cafeteria regulations are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest

Blogs results (22)

The housing crisis could be tackled by improving public services, better urban planning and ensuring that social protection benefits reach the people who need them most.

2 Maijs 2024
A worker sitting on the floor

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work. With the lifting of restrictions across the globe, we are now able to examine the many repercussions on the world of work. In particular, the unique demands of the last few years have shone a harsh spotlight on the pressures brought to bear

17 Janvāris 2023

Rising energy prices are putting more people under increased financial pressure and at greater risk of energy poverty. In this data story, we take a closer look at the data from the fifth round of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey to explore the extent of the issue and the threat of energy

3 Augusts 2022

Minimum wages have risen significantly in 2022, as the EU Member States leave behind the cautious mood of the pandemic. However, rising inflation is eating up these wage increases, and only flexibility in the regular minimum wage setting processes may avoid generalised losses in purchasing power amo

15 Jūnijs 2022

While the number of employees earning the minimum wage has increased across Europe over the last decade, spurred by significant minimum wage hikes, a clear gender divide emerges, with minimum wage earners more likely to be women. Minimum wage earners are also more likely to live in materially depriv

26 Oktobris 2021

With its proposed directive on gender pay transparency, the European Commission has significantly bolstered the set of tools for delivering its objectives compared to those presented in its 2014 Recommendation. The proposed portfolio of measures addresses many shortcomings of the instruments that

18 Jūnijs 2021

Decision-makers approached minimum wage setting for 2021 cautiously due to the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Despite this, nominal statutory minimum wages rose in most Member States and the UK, although at lower rates than in recent years.

8 Jūnijs 2021

The pandemic has had differential impacts on women. Raised consciousness about them must be applied to advance gender equality in recovery measures. All crises have a strongly gendered impact and none more so than the current pandemic, across a range of indicators. While the virus itself seems to ta

28 Aprīlis 2021

​​​​​​​To date, close to six million workers in the EU have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Many businesses have closed their doors forever or been pushed to the brink, bringing severe financial and psychological hardship to the individuals and families affected. However, the toll of the pandemic

9 Februāris 2021

Upcoming publications results (1)

The report maps trends in income inequality and examines the situation of the middle classes in the EU during 2020, the year most associated with the COVID-19 lockdowns. It charts developments in the size and composition of middle-class households across countries, identifies those that suffered dis

July 2024
Data results (4)


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