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Sociālais dialogs

Sociālo dialogu var definēt kā sarunas, konsultācijas, kopīgu rīcību, diskusijas un informācijas apmaiņu, kurā piedalās darba devēji un darba ņēmēji. Labi funkcionējošs sociālais dialogs, kurā iesaistīti daudzi dažādu līmeņu dalībnieki, ir viens no galvenajiem darba apstākļu veidošanas līdzekļiem. Tas līdzsvaro darbinieku un darba devēju intereses un veicina gan ekonomikas konkurētspēju, gan sociālo kohēziju.

Nesen notikušajās ES līmeņa politiskajās debatēs uzsvērts, ka jo īpaši kopš 2008. gada krīzes izveidojušās jaunās debates par sociālo taisnīgumu, demokrātiju, darba kvalitāti un jauniem darba attiecību modeļiem ir likušas apšaubīt tradicionālos sociālo partneru attiecību veidus un sociālā dialoga sistēmas.

Trīsdesmit gadus pēc Eiropas sociālā dialoga vēsturiskajiem pirmsākumiem Val Duchesse pilī Briselē Komisija augsta līmeņa konferencē "Jauns sākums sociālajam dialogam", kura notika 2015. gada 5. martā un kurā piedalījās sociālo partneru organizācijas no visas Eiropas, ir paziņojusi par procesa atjaunošanu. Eiropas sociālais dialogs ir ES sociālās politikas instruments, kas tieši palīdz veidot ES darba tiesību aktus un politiku.


Recent updates


From January to June 2022, Eurofound supported the work of France's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

Web page

From July to December 2023, Eurofound supported the work of Spain's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

Web page

EU context

Eurofound darbs

Politikas veidotājiem vajag pārliecinošus pierādījumus, lai izprastu darba tirgū notiekošās pārmaiņas un reaģētu uz sociālo partneru attiecību mainīgo dinamiku Eiropā. Eurofound izmanto sava korespondentu tīkla 28 ES dalībvalstīs un Norvēģijā savāktos datus un analīzi, lai kartētu tendences un modeļus un izceltu labi funkcionējoša sociālā dialoga piemērus Eiropas un valstu līmenī.

Eurofound pētījumos tiek analizēti tādi aspekti kā darbinieku līdzdalība, kolektīvās sarunas, darbinieku pārstāvība un sociālo partneru attiecības visos līmeņos. Tajos tiek izvērtēts, cik lielā mērā sociālo partneru attiecības ir pielāgojušās, ņemot vērā daudznacionālu organizāciju parādīšanos. Pētījumos tiek izmantota arī globāla perspektīva, salīdzinot sociālo partneru attiecību sistēmas un rezultātus ekonomikās ārpus ES, piemēram, ASV un Japānā.

Svarīgākais ieguldījums

Eurofound 40 gadu laikā ir publicējis daudz materiālu, kuros ir kartēti daudzie un mainīgie aspekti, kas raksturo sociālo dialogu Eiropā dažādos līmeņos – uzņēmumu, valstu, Eiropas un starptautiskā līmenī.

Pēdējos gados Eurofound ir veicis padziļinātu analīzi par daudziem sociālā dialoga kontekstā svarīgiem jautājumiem, piemēram: 

Eurofound reprezentativitātes pētījumi, kas saskaņā ar 2006. gadā saņemto Komisijas pilnvarojumu tiek veikti daudzās jomās, nodrošina Eiropas nozaru sociālā dialoga komiteju izveidei un darbībai vajadzīgo pamatinformāciju.


Eiropas sociālo partneru attiecību vārdnīca, kas 2005. gadā tika izveidota kā tiešsaistes atsauces līdzeklis politikas veidotāju un praktizējošu speciālistu vajadzībām, ir vērtīga krātuve, kurā pieejama informācija par nodarbinātību un sociālo partneru attiecībām ES. Darba dzīves valstu profili sniedz svarīgu kontekstuālu informāciju par darba dzīves pamatā esošajām struktūrām, institūcijām un noteikumiem 28 ES dalībvalstīs un Norvēģijā, kā arī ES līmenī.

Datubāzes par darba samaksas noteikšanas sarunām un algām, darba laiku un kolektīvajiem strīdiem ir izveidotas, lai nodrošinātu pētniekiem un politikas veidotājiem kvantitatīvu un kvalitatīvu informāciju par šiem tematiem visās dalībvalstīs un Norvēģijā no 2000. gada līdz mūsdienām.

Key outputs


Pēdējos gados ES dalībvalstīs ir vērojama vispārēja protesta akciju samazināšanās, ja neskaita dažus neregulārus kāpumus. Covid-19 pandēmijas laikā šī tendence ir turpinājusies, un nav pārsteigums, ka nozīmīgākie darba strīdi notiek...

7 Februāris 2022
Research report

This publication consists of individual country reports on working life during 2020 for 29 countries – the 27 EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom. The country reports summarise...

23 Marts 2021

Pildot savu pienākumu veicināt dialogu starp darba devējiem un darba ņēmējiem, Eurofound ir uzraudzījis un analizējis norises sociālo partneru attiecību sistēmās ES līmenī un ES dalībvalstīs vairāk nekā 40 gadu...

11 Decembris 2020
Flagship report

Current and ongoing research


In the course of the programming period 2021–2024, Eurofound will continue regular monitoring of social dialogue, including through the EU PolicyWatch database.

Other topics addressed include:

  • Monitoring of the role of national social partners in the European semester and analysis of quality and effectiveness of their involvement 
  • Summary of discussions on capacity-building social dialogue to support a meaningful and effective social dialogue 
  • Research on industrial relations covering topics related to both social dialogue and working life developments, including updates on collectively agreed pay
  • Representativeness studies on a variety of sectors to provide the European Commission required information to assess the representativeness of European sectoral social partner organisations.


Eurofound expert(s)


Ricardo Rodriguez Contreras is a research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound and focuses on comparative industrial relations, social dialogue and collective bargaining...

Research manager,
Working life research unit

Mária Sedláková is a research officer in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. She is responsible for drafting overview reports for sectoral representativeness studies, management...

Research officer,
Working life research unit
Publications results (251)

This paper analyses the capacity of Romania’s social partners to effectively engage in social dialogue at various levels. The paper forms part of a wider, comparative project, managed by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Ireland) and the Work Life

04 October 2006

This paper analyses the capacity of Slovakia’s social partners to effectively engage in social dialogue at various levels. The paper forms part of a wider, comparative project, managed by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Ireland) and the Work Life

04 October 2006

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the ten acceding countries in the run-up to enlargement. It looks specifically at the role of social dialogue in resolving industrial relations conflicts. The report gives an overview

09 November 2004

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the run-up to enlargement. The national report for Hungary is part of the second phase of a project on ‘Social dialogue and EMU’ carried out by the Foundation in 2002-3, in cooperation

25 March 2004

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the run-up to enlargement. The national report for the Czech Republic is part of the second phase of a project on ‘Social dialogue and EMU’ carried out by the Foundation in 2002-3, in

25 March 2004

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the run-up to enlargement. The national report for the Slovakia is part of the second phase of a project on ‘Social dialogue and EMU’ carried out by the Foundation in 2002-3, in

24 March 2004

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the run-up to enlargement. The national report for the Slovenia is part of the second phase of a project on ‘Social dialogue and EMU’ carried out by the Foundation in 2002-3, in

24 March 2004

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the run-up to enlargement. The national report for the Estonia is part of the second phase of a project on ‘Social dialogue and EMU’ carried out by the Foundation in 2002-3, in

23 March 2004

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the run-up to enlargement. The national report for the Latvia is part of the second phase of a project on ‘Social dialogue and EMU’ carried out by the Foundation in 2002-3, in

23 March 2004

This report is part of a series of projects from the Foundation which focuses on aspects of industrial relations in the run-up to enlargement. The national report for the Lithuania is part of the second phase of a project on ‘Social dialogue and EMU’ carried out by the Foundation in 2002-3, in

23 March 2004

Online resources results (435)

Spain: Milestone agreement in retail sector

An agreement between social partners in the Spanish retail sector will govern working and employment conditions for the next three years. About 260,000 employees are expected to benefit from this agreement, which is likely to set the standards for other sector agreements due to be negotiated during

France: Occupational personal accounts take effect

Occupational personal accounts, one of the flagship measures of France’s labour market reforms, took effect on 1 January 2017. The aim is to enable people to acquire entitlements to training without fear of losing them if they change employer.

EU level: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Issues related to the European Commission’s proposal on the European Pillar of Social Rights, as well as some developments in social dialogue at EU level, are the main topics of interest in this article. This update reports on the latest developments in working life at EU level in the first quarter

Slovenia: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The unions’ rejection of pension reform proposals, employers' demands for the withdrawal of a mini labour reform and the launch of the unions’ fair pay campaign are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Slovenia in the

Spain: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The inability of the national social partners to agree salary recommendations; digital disconnection after working hours; and the effects of the increase in the minimum wage on employment are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in

Bulgaria: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Rising wages following an increase in the minimum statutory wage, a victory for the centre-right party GERB in the March elections and predictions of a rise in employment in tourism are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working

Lithuania: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Controversial provisions in the Labour Code; four new members for Lithuania’s Tripartite Council; and initiatives by the main employer organisation, the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists, are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments

Finland: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The effects of the decision by the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK to terminate most peak-level agreements with trade unions and a setback for employment policy reforms are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

France: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Preparations for the presidential election and a revival of national social dialogue with the signing of a new collective agreement on the unemployment insurance scheme are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in France

Latvia: Social security implications of favourable tax rate for small businesses

The social partners reacted differently to the government's plans to increase the rate of the special tax for microenterprises, the unions concerned over the lower social protection afforded the workers and employers worried about losing competitiveness due to increased labour costs. In the end, the

Blogs results (6)

The COVID-19 pandemic made us acutely aware of how dependent our society is on certain essential workers. We felt deep gratitude towards workers in healthcare especially, because they worked ceaselessly in often-difficult conditions.

22 Novembris 2023

Decision-makers approached minimum wage setting for 2021 cautiously due to the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Despite this, nominal statutory minimum wages rose in most Member States and the UK, although at lower rates than in recent years.

8 Jūnijs 2021

In the context of the ongoing trend of a fall in collective bargaining coverage, and recent calls at EU level to promote collective bargaining coverage as an instrument to support fair and decent wages, new data from Eurofound’s fourth European Company Survey (ECS) show that two-thirds of workers (i

28 Oktobris 2020

The workings of industrial relations are constantly evolving. In this blog piece, Eurofound authors Christian Welz and Ricardo Rodriguez Contreras discuss a tool that Eurofound has developed to enable this process of change to be monitored and analysed, enabling stakeholders in Member States to asse

28 Marts 2018

Europe has gone through significant economic change over the past decade. Businesses have had to manage the challenges posed by the financial crisis, globalisation and a rapidly changing labour market. Eurofound's new report Win-win arrangements: Innovative measures through social dialogue at compan

3 Oktobris 2016

The new European Commission (EC) under President Jean-Claude Juncker is committed to re-launching social dialogue and a first step was taken with the organisation of a high-level conference in Brussels on 5 March. The aim of the conference was to discuss concrete ways to strengthen social dialogue w

20 Aprīlis 2015
Upcoming publications results (7)

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the graphical industry. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation

July 2025

This report reviews the quality of the national social partners’ involvement in the implementation of the reforms and investments shaping the digital and green transition in the context of national policymaking. These reforms and investments stem mainly from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

March 2025

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the extractive industries sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective par

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the construction sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participatio

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the chemical sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the road transport sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participat

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the postal and courier activities sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effec

November 2024


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