Perform convergence analysis in the EU using the convergEU app
The web-based tool 'convergEU' permits the analysis of upward convergence for the full set of indicators part of the Social Scoreboard accompanying the European Pillar of Social Rights as well as for a selected set of Eurofound indicators drawn from the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) and the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS). In five easy steps, the web-based tool can create a full upward convergence analysis: it downloads the data from Eurostat website automatically, then includes beta, sigma, delta, and gamma convergence measures as well as other measures to better understand country dynamics in a selected time period. A full indicator report or a country dynamic focus report are produced within 60 seconds. If you are planning to use your own dataset with the app, please read the dataset preparation instructions explaining how the data should be organised.