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Relațiile de muncă și dialogul social

Relațiile de muncă și dialogul social reprezintă una dintre cele șase activități principale ale programului de activitate al Eurofound pentru perioada 2021-2024. Eurofound va acționa în continuare ca centru de expertiză pentru monitorizarea și analiza evoluțiilor în materie de sisteme de relații de muncă și de dialog social la nivel național și la nivelul UE. Agenția va sprijini în continuare dialogul între partenerii sociali, inclusiv în contextul impactului pandemiei de COVID-19, folosind know-how-ul rețelei de corespondenți ai Eurofound de la nivel național.

În următorii patru ani, Eurofound va oferi contribuții importante pentru înțelegerea provocărilor și a perspectivelor din domeniul relațiilor de muncă și al dialogului social în UE. Cu o expertiză îndelungată în domeniu, Eurofound cercetează principalele evoluții care afectează actorii, procesele și rezultatele esențiale ale relațiilor de muncă. Agenția compară sistemele naționale de relații de muncă, inclusiv dialogul social național și negocierea colectivă. Folosind baza de date PolicyWatch a UE privind COVID-19, creată în 2020, Eurofound va monitoriza inițiativele în materie de politică ale guvernelor, ale partenerilor sociali și ale altor actori menite să atenueze consecințele sociale și economice ale crizei, precum și să contribuie la eforturile de redresare. Agenția își va continua activitatea de raportare periodică cu privire la evoluțiile în materie de stabilire a remunerațiilor salariu minim și timp de lucru , precum și cu privire la rezultatele în materie de viață profesională.

Expertiza Eurofound sprijină consolidarea capacităților partenerilor sociali în vederea desfășurării unui dialog social eficace; agenția promovează dezvoltarea dialogului social european prin analiza reprezentativității organizațiilor partenerilor sociali din diferite sectoare cu scopul de a evalua eligibilitatea acestora pentru participarea la comitete pentru dialog social.

„Suntem aici pentru a susține dialogul între partenerii sociali. Consider că datele pe care le culegem și activitatea de cercetare pe care o desfășurăm sunt importante în măsura în care ajută actorii, îi ajută să funcționeze mai bine... Dialogul social vibrant face parte din ceea ce am putea numi economia socială de piață, spre care tinde Uniunea Europeană.”

David Foden, consilier, relații de muncă



Recent updates


This 2024 annual review of minimum wages provides a synopsis of minimum wage setting during 2023 in the EU27 and Norway. It reports in detail on the processes and outcomes...

26 Iunie 2024
Research report

The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to...

2 Mai 2024
Annual report

Principalele mesaje de politică


Principalele constatări ale cercetării întreprinse de Eurofound constituie date de intrare pe baza cărora factorii de decizie pot aborda unele dintre principalele probleme din acest domeniu.

  • Prin negociere colectivă, partenerii sociali joacă un rol fundamental în asigurarea unui tratament echitabil pentru lucrătorii europeni și a unui cadru stabil și previzibil pentru angajatori.
  • Negocierea colectivă eficace asigură o concurență între întreprinderi axată mai degrabă pe creșterea eficienței decât pe exploatarea forței de muncă prin norme comune privind remunerația și condițiile de muncă.
  • Sistemele de relații de muncă sunt supuse unor amenințări din ce în ce mai mari, din cauza schimbărilor care au loc în societate, pe piețele muncii și în organizarea muncii. Această situație a generat dificultăți în ceea ce privește capacitatea principalilor actori de la nivelul sistemelor de relații de muncă din statele membre.
  • În ceea ce privește salariul, rezultatele arată că șapte din zece lucrători cu salarii minime din UE raportează cel puțin o dificultate în satisfacerea necesităților, comparativ cu mai puțin de cinci din zece în rândul celorlalți lucrători; aceste cifre variază însă mult de la un stat la altul. În contextul pandemiei, salariile minime pot juca un rol în combinația de măsuri care vizează stabilizarea veniturilor - și, prin urmare, cererea - și pot contracara o spirală descendentă, în direcția recesiunii sau depresiei.
  • Pentru a fi eficace, dialogul social european trebuie să se bazeze pe legături solide cu nivelul național, astfel încât agenda UE să rămână relevantă și acordurile autonome ale Uniunii să fie puse în aplicare în mod semnificativ la nivel național.
  • Deși dialogul social european a generat mai multe inițiative comune, s-au încheiat puține acorduri. În unele sectoare s-a exprimat preocuparea că solicitările partenerilor sociali de a se pune în aplicare acordurile prin intermediul legislației UE au fost respinse și că sunt necesare legături mai bune între nivelul UE și cel național.
  • Tendința de scădere a densității organizațiilor sindicale reprezintă un motiv de îngrijorare în multe state membre. Mai puțin de unul din trei (29 %) medii profesionale (cu cel puțin 10 lucrători) din UE dispun de o formă de reprezentare a angajaților. Cerințele legislative reprezintă un factor esențial pentru prezența reprezentării.
  • Negocierea colectivă rămâne în centrul sistemelor de relații de muncă din UE. Factorii de decizie ar trebui să se folosească de oportunitatea creată de criza provocată de pandemia de COVID-19 pentru a introduce noi inițiative de promovare, consolidare și susținere a negocierii colective.
  • Pe lângă eforturile partenerilor sociali, este nevoie de finanțare publică și de sprijinul autorităților publice pentru ca dialogul social să fie eficace și relațiile de muncă să funcționeze bine. Factorii de decizie ar trebui să exploreze noi forme de transfer de cunoștințe, de alocare de resurse și de implicare a partenerilor sociali la nivel european și național.
  • Asigurarea și promovarea unor relații de muncă echitabile, funcționale și echilibrate sunt esențiale pentru asigurarea unei creșteri incluzive și durabile și a progresului social în UE. În urma pandemiei de COVID-19, aceste aspecte vor reprezenta și un mod important pentru factorii de decizie de a integra dimensiunile sociale și economice ale UE, astfel cum prevede Pilonul european al drepturilor sociale.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound will provide important insights into the challenges and prospects in the area of industrial relations and social dialogue in the EU. With a long-established expertise in this field, Eurofound explores the main developments affecting the actors, processes and key outcomes of industrial relations. It compares national systems of industrial relations, including national social dialogue and collective bargaining. Building on its EU PolicyWatch database created in 2020, Eurofound will monitor policy initiatives by governments, social partners and other actors to cushion the social and economic fallouts of the crisis, as well as to assist in the recovery efforts. Its regular reporting on pay setting, minimum wage and working time developments, as well as working life outcomes, will be ongoing.

Eurofound’s expertise supports the capacity-building of the social partners to achieve effective social dialogue, and the Agency promotes the development of the European social dialogue by looking at the representativeness of social partner organisations in different sectors to assess their eligibility to participate in social dialogue committees.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist the European institutions, national public authorities and social partners at various levels to address the challenges facing the EU and at national level in the areas of policy formation, social dialogue, collective bargaining and the regulation of employment relations.

The Agency’s work programme is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, Eurofound will support the policy initiatives under the European Pillar of Social Rights linked to social dialogue and the involvement of workers, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specific findings will be available to inform the European policy debate on minimum wages and pay transparency, as well as on working time. In consultation with the European Commission, Eurofound will continue its focused work on European social dialogue through its series of representativeness studies in selected sectors.


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues its national monitoring of trends and developments in industrial relations, social dialogue, collective bargaining and working life regulations and outcomes. 

To support European social dialogue, in 2024 the Agency plans to publish studies on the representativeness of social partner organisations in six sectors: construction, extractive industries, chemical sector, road transport including urban public transport, postal and courier services, and graphical industries. In addition, studies are ongoing on the following sectors: agriculture, temporary agency work, ports, maritime transport, tanning and leather, footwear, sugar, inland waterway transport, central government administration, railways and commerce. Eurofound continues its work on initiatives to support capacity building for effective social dialogue. In 2024, the Agency launches a new phase of Tripartite Exchange Seminars in collaboration with the European Training Foundation, Cedefop and the European Environment Agency.

Eurofound carries out its annual exercise of examining the involvement of national social partners in policymaking, in the context of the European Semester process and the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which in 2024 includes findings on the role of tripartite discussions held in Economic and Social Councils in Member States having such bodies. The contribution made by sectoral social partners to the implementation of reforms and investments included in the Recovery and Resilience Plans is also analysed, looking at policy processes that link European and national policy agendas. 

Eurofound’s EU PolicyWatch database continues to capture relevant policy initiatives by governments, social partners and other actors, including those taken to mitigate the socioeconomic consequences of the war in Ukraine, as well as those related to the twin transition.

Work on outcomes in collective bargaining agreements beyond the topic of pay concludes in 2024 and the results and dataset are planned for 2025. Research also concludes on how larger increases in statutory minimum wages affect collective bargaining and collectively agreed wages for low-paid groups. 

Eurofound collaborates with the European Institute for Gender Equality in 2024 to investigate further experiences with the implementation of gender pay transparency measures, with a focus also on those Member States that have recently introduced new legislation, and how the ‘work of equal value principle’ is defined and implemented.

The annual reviews on minimum wages and on working time in the EU continue in 2024. The working life country profiles are also being updated. The ongoing monitoring of industrial relations systems includes regular updates to the European Industrial Relations Dictionary.

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 Ianuarie 2024
Work programme

Revizuirea anuală a salariilor minime din 2023 a fost elaborată în contextul unei rate a inflației fără precedent în întreaga Europă. Deși acest lucru a dus la creșteri substanțiale ale...

29 Iunie 2023
Research report

Eurofound expert(s)


Christine Aumayr-Pintar is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. Her current research topics include minimum wages, collectively agreed wages and gender...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (532)

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the banking sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in

07 October 2019

This biennial review charts developments in a range of working time issues in the EU and Norway in 2017–2018. It finds that while the average collectively agreed working week across the EU remains unchanged since 2016 – at 38 hours – there was a slight decrease in the past two years in the 15 Member

03 October 2019

This report – the latest in an annual series – describes the main developments in industrial relations and the regulations affecting working conditions at EU level and in the EU Member States and Norway during 2018. Based on data from the Network of Eurofound Correspondents, it presents information

02 October 2019

In most EU Member States, reviews of the statutory minimum wage rates spark a great deal of public interest. Such reviews affect the wider workforce, beyond those workers on the statutory minimum wage. Pay rates in collective agreements may be adapted in response to an increase in the minimum wage

04 June 2019

This report investigates the involvement of the national social partners in the design and implementation of reforms and policies in the context of the European Semester and countryspecific recommendations 2017–2018. In line with previous reports on the same theme, it also analyses the quality of

23 May 2019

Living and working in Europe 2015–2018 brings together Eurofound’s work on the quality of life, work and employment of EU citizens over the last four years of the outgoing European Parliament and Commission. It has a been a period of economic expansion, growing employment and rising living standards

20 May 2019

Seniority systems – schemes that allot improving employment rights or benefits to employees as their length of employment increases – have not been widely studied. This report provides the first comprehensive study comparing the design and spread of seniority-based entitlements (SBEs) in Europe and

17 April 2019

In the context of ongoing negotiations at EU level on adopting a work–life balance package for families and caregivers, Eurofound was requested by the European Commission to provide an update of the available data regarding paternity and parental leave for fathers. This report presents the currently

07 February 2019

Previous Eurofound research has identified four key dimensions of industrial relations: industrial democracy, industrial competitiveness, social justice, and quality of work and employment. This report seeks to build a set of indicators to measure country performance in industrial relations in terms

21 December 2018

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the contract catering sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective

13 December 2018

Online resources results (1769)

Latvia: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

The drafting of the State budget (including discussions on the minimum wage), civil service reforms, an agreement on the State revenue system and debates on social insurance are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

Norway: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

A series of strikes related to the biennial renegotiation of national collective agreements, an increase in temporary employment and the changing use of occupational health services are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working

Finland: Latest working life developments - Q3 2016

A trial of a new basic income, budgetary proposals to reduce unemployment, and conflicts between Akava and other trade union confederations are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Finland in the third quarter of 2016.

Croatia: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

The general election result, industrial relations developments, equality in the workplace, what makes a good employer, trade union education and moves to improve social dialogue are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

Estonia: Latest working life developments - Q3 2016

A new three-year sectoral collective agreement for bus drivers, concerns about transposition of the Enforcement Directive, and social policy reforms are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Estonia in the third quarter

Slovenia: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

Wage negotiations in the public sector, the suspension of dialogue between employer organisations and the government over tax amendments, and protests by assistant kindergarten teachers regarding pay are among the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest

Cyprus: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

A strike by primary school teachers and the resumption of public service recruitment are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Cyprus in the third quarter of 2016.

Austria: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

The labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers, together with discussions about the types of jobs unemployed people should accept, are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Austria in the third quarter of

EU Level: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

Issues related to work–life balance, the launch of the public consultation on social rules in road transport and some developments in social dialogue are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in the European Union in the

Slovakia: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

Differences between social partners on a proposal to increase the minimum wage, demands by industrial trade unions for higher wages and strike action by teachers are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Slovakia in the

Blogs results (22)

Minimum wages have risen significantly in 2022, as the EU Member States leave behind the cautious mood of the pandemic. However, rising inflation is eating up these wage increases, and only flexibility in the regular minimum wage setting processes may avoid generalised losses in purchasing power amo

15 Iunie 2022

With the arrival of the month of May, the 2022 European Semester Spring Package is anticipated soon. After a transformative year in 2021, which saw the launch of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) under NextGenerationEU, the European Semester cycle has resumed its role as the reference frame


With its proposed directive on gender pay transparency, the European Commission has significantly bolstered the set of tools for delivering its objectives compared to those presented in its 2014 Recommendation. The proposed portfolio of measures addresses many shortcomings of the instruments that na

18 Iunie 2021

Decision-makers approached minimum wage setting for 2021 cautiously due to the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Despite this, nominal statutory minimum wages rose in most Member States and the UK, although at lower rates than in recent years.

8 Iunie 2021

In the context of the ongoing trend of a fall in collective bargaining coverage, and recent calls at EU level to promote collective bargaining coverage as an instrument to support fair and decent wages, new data from Eurofound’s fourth European Company Survey (ECS) show that two-thirds of workers (i

28 Octombrie 2020

The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is having drastic consequences for the world of work. In most European countries workers who are not delivering essential ‘frontline’ services are being asked to stay home. Unfortunately many are out of work, while many of those who are not are minimum-wage and low

1 Aprilie 2020

As one of their ‘100 days in office’ initiatives, the new European Commission intends to propose an initiative for an EU minimum wage. The aim is that by 2024 every worker in the EU should earn a fair and adequate wage, no matter where they live.

15 Ianuarie 2020

Trade unions in many EU Member States face the issue of declining membership. This is a fundamental challenge for organised labour, but it is premature to speak about the redundancy unions: when it comes to important decisions affecting the workplace, restructuring being one, trade unions remain a p

20 Noiembrie 2019

The International Labour Organization (ILO) met for the first time 100 years ago, and right at the top of the agenda for discussion for this new specialised UN agency was the 8-hour working day. This discussion subsequently resulted in the Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, which stated that ‘The

12 Noiembrie 2019

The European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work last year documented the case of a Dutch temporary work agency that hired workers of various nationalities to work for a construction company in Belgium. The wages were suspiciously low, and the Belgian Labour Inspectorate believed that EU law guarantee

17 Iulie 2019

Upcoming publications results (8)

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the graphical industry. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation

July 2025

This report reviews the quality of the national social partners’ involvement in the implementation of the reforms and investments shaping the digital and green transition in the context of national policymaking. These reforms and investments stem mainly from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

March 2025

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the extractive industries sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective par

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the construction sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participatio

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the chemical sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the road transport sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participat

December 2024

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the postal and courier activities sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effec

November 2024

This publication comprises individual country reports on developments in working life in each of the 27 EU Member States and Norway in 2023, based on national research and survey results. The topics covered include the political context in 2023; updates on the social partners and social dialogue ins

July 2024
Data results (10)

Eurofound publishes gross and nominal statutory minimum wages applicable in EU countries that have a statutory minimum wage.

25 Ianuarie 2024
Reference period:


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