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EU presidencies: Eurofound’s role

Image of flags of the European Union countries flying against grey background - Copyright: Image © Evgenia/Adobe StockWhat is the EU presidency?

Every six months, an EU Member State takes on the presidency of the Council of the EU, helping to ensure the smooth running of the EU legislative process. Those Member States holding the presidency work together in a ‘trio’ to ensure the continuity of the EU’s work in the Council and to prepare a common agenda over an 18-month period. They agree on the topics to address during the period and set longer-term goals. Each Member State hosting the presidency prepares a more detailed six-month programme. 

Eurofound's role

Eurofound is committed to improving living and working conditions in the EU. The Agency plays a unique role in providing expertise to support the EU institutions and bodies, Member States and social partners in shaping and implementing social, employment and work-related policies, based on national-level and comparative research. 

As part of this, the Agency collaborates with the rotating trio of presidencies of the Council of the EU, providing evidence-based knowledge and expertise at various levels.

Knowledge and support for employment and social affairs policymaking

Since 2012, Eurofound has been contributing to the relevant rotating Presidency of the Council, coordinating closely with Ministry colleagues in the Member States.

Eurofound provides its expertise for a range of presidency events such as the informal meeting of employment and social affairs ministers (EPSCO), the EU Employment Committee (EMCO) and the EU Social Protection Committee (SPC), as well as presidency conferences and other meetings.

At the request of the presidency, Eurofound prepares background papers or contributes knowledge for high-level meetings or events, as well as customised reports drawing on the findings of existing research. Eurofound staff participate as speakers, moderators or chairs at such events. In addition, Eurofound's work can help to inform the Presidency Council Conclusions. Some examples of our contributions are linked below under each presidency. 

Presidency trio

The current presidency trio is made up of Poland, Denmark and Cyprus.

Danish presidency: July–December 2025

Danish flagCheck back for details of Eurofound's involvement in the upcoming Danish presidency events. 


Cypriot presidency: January–June 2026

Cypriot flagCheck back for details of Eurofound's involvement in the upcoming Cypriot presidency events. 


Earlier presidencies

Follow the links on each country to find out more about Eurofound's contributions to recent presidencies.

  1. 2024 presidencies

    January–June: Belgium, July–December: Hungary

  2. 2023 presidencies

    January–June: Sweden, July–December: Spain

  3. 2022 presidencies

    January–June: France, July–December: Czechia

  4. 2021 presidencies

    January–June: Portugal, July–December: Slovenia

  5. 2020 presidencies

    January–June: Croatia, July–December: Germany

Copyright: Main image © Evgenia/Adobe Stock; Social dialogue graphic © Julien Eichinger/Adobe Stock


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