Pereiti į pagrindinį turinį

Gyvenimo sąlygos ir gyvenimo kokybė

Gyvenimo sąlygos ir gyvenimo kokybė yra viena iš šešių pagrindinių EUROFOUND 2021–2024 m. darbo programos veiklos rūšių. EUROFOUND toliau planuos ir analizuos pagrindinius aspektus, susijusius su žmonių gyvenimo sąlygų gerinimu Europoje, įskaitant informaciją apie jų gyvenimo kokybės ir visuomenės suvokimą. Kadangi COVID-19 pandemija ir po to kilusi ekonomikos krizė turėjo didelės įtakos žmonių gyvenimui, EUROFOUND toliau tirs šios krizės poveikį ES piliečiams skirtingais gyvenimo etapais.

2021–2024 m. EUROFOUND tyrimas suteiks svarbių įžvalgų apie uždavinius ir perspektyvas gyvenimo sąlygų ir gyvenimo kokybės srityje ES, taip pat apie įvairių iniciatyvų, skirtų palengvinti įvairių piliečių grupių socialinius sunkumus, reikšmę. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama poveikiui vyresniems žmonėms ir priežiūros poreikiams, jaunimui ir jų socialinei įtraukčiai ir socialiniam judumui, taip pat skirtingoms krizės pasekmėms vyrams ir moterims .

Visoje ES teikiamos viešosios paslaugos atliko svarbią funkciją sprendžiant COVID-19 krizę, bet kartu joms kilo ir didelių sunkumų, ir jos bus vertinamos išsamiau, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant tokiems klausimams, kaip kokybė, pasiekiamumas ir prieinamumas. Kaip parodė ankstesnės išvados, krizė turėjo neproporcingą poveikį tam tikroms grupėms pagal amžių, priežiūros pareigas ir profesinio ir asmeninio gyvenimo pusiausvyrą , o EUROFOUND tai toliau analizuos.

Bendradarbiaudamas su Europos lyčių lygybės institutu (EIGE), EUROFOUND ketina ištirti daugialypę lyčių nelygybę, tirdamas COVID-19 krizės poveikį vyrams ir moterims dalyvavimo darbe, materialinių gyvenimo sąlygų ir gerovės prasme, siekiant nustatyti skirtumus ir įvertinti šios krizės poveikį lyčių nelygybei.

Viešųjų paslaugų kokybė buvo labai svarbi formuojant pasitikėjimą institucijomis šiuolaikinėje Europoje ir bus labai svarbi sprendžiant dabartines ir būsimas problemas. Kokybiškos paslaugos taip pat yra inovacijų erdvė, ypač pereinant prie skaitmeninių, aplinką tausojančių paslaugų ir ateityje pasirengiant rizikai, pavyzdžiui, pandemijai.

— Tadas Leončikas, vyresnysis mokslo tyrimų vadovas, socialinės politikos skyrius


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe.


Pagrindinės politikos gairės


Vadovaudamiesi pagrindinėmis EUROFOUND tyrimų išvadomis politikos formuotojai sprendžia kai kuriuos pagrindinius šios srities klausimus.

  • Visuomenėje jaučiama įtampa labiausiai kenkia pasitikėjimui institucijomis, o suvokiama viešųjų paslaugų kokybė yra pagrindinis veiksnys, skatinantis labiau pasitikėti institucijomis.
  • Reikia daugiau ilgalaikės priežiūros paslaugų, užtikrinant didesnį lankstumą. Priežiūra namuose ir pagalba turėtų būti labiau prieinama, ypač tose ES valstybėse narėse, kuriose gaunamos mažiausios pajamos.
  • Galimybė greitai gauti pirminės sveikatos priežiūros, socialinės rūpybos ir ilgalaikės priežiūros paslaugas gali paskatinti ankstyvas intervencijas ir besikeičiančių poreikių stebėjimą bei užkirsti kelią ilgalaikės priežiūros problemų išaugimui.
  • Jaunų žmonių psichikos sveikatos problemos vis didėja, nors neaišku, ar taip yra dėl didesnio sergamumo, ar dėl didesnio sąmoningumo ir diagnozavimo. Psichikos sveikata yra glaudžiai susijusi su kitomis jaunimo problemomis ir gali būti nelygybės pasekmė ir pačios nelygybės priežastis. Psichikos sveikatos problemų rizikos veiksniai yra neįgalumas ir lėtinės ligos, šeimos problemos, santykių su bendraamžiais problemos ir intensyvus socialinių tinklų naudojimas.
  • Nors pasitikėjimo ir socialinės sanglaudos lygis ES po finansų krizės apskritai atsigavo, COVID-19 atsiradimas padarė didelę įtaką gerovei šalyse, kurias labiausiai paveikė pandemija.
  • Jauni žmonės tampa labiausiai nukentėjusiais nuo izoliavimo – jie ir bedarbiai teigia patiriantys žemiausią gerovės lygį, nors nuo pandemijos pradžios padėtis šiek tiek pagerėjo. Nors nuo 2020 m. balandžio mėn. pasitenkinimas gyvenimu ir optimizmas padidėjo, jaunuoliai ir toliau jaučiasi atskirti nuo visuomenės ir jiems vis dar kyla didžiausias depresijos pavojus, o tai rodo, kad izoliavimo metu taikyti apribojimai jiems daro didesnį poveikį.
  • Toliau kylant koronaviruso bangoms bus labai svarbu imtis priemonių, kuriomis būtų mažinama bedarbių ir jaunimo psichikos sveikatos problemų rizika. Įgyvendinant politikos priemones turi būti teikiama tikslinė parama, kad darbo ieškantys asmenys galėtų atsigauti ir susidoroti su pandemijos poveikiu, taip pat turi būti užtikrinamas jaunimo visapusiškas dalyvavimas visuomenės gyvenime.
  • COVID-19 krizė susilpnino optimizmą ir labiau paveikė moterų nei vyrų profesinio ir asmeninio gyvenimo pusiausvyrą. Šios žalos atitaisymas bus labai svarbus siekiant užtikrinti, kad moterys pandemijos pasekmes pajustų kuo mažiau.
  • Pagrindinis dėmesys krizės laikotarpiu turi būti skiriamas piliečių pasitikėjimo nacionalinėmis ir Europos institucijomis išlaikymui, nes COVID-19 kontrolės priemonių laikymasis labai priklauso nuo pasitikėjimo institucijomis ir mokslinėmis rekomendacijomis lygio. Padidėjęs pasitikėjimas institucijomis, apie kurį pranešė paramos priemonėmis pasinaudoję respondentai, taip pat yra aiški žinia nacionalinėms vyriausybėms ir ES.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound’s research will provide an important insight into the challenges and prospects in the area of living conditions and quality of life in the EU and the role played by various initiatives aimed at alleviating the social hardship of various groups of citizens. Of particular interest are the implications for older people and care needs, youth and their social inclusion and social mobility, and the varying consequences of the crisis on men and women.

Public services across the EU played a major role in addressing the COVID-19 crisis while facing significant challenges and they will be assessed in greater detail, focusing on issues such as quality, access and affordability. As previous findings have shown, the crisis has had disproportionate effects on certain groups according to age, care responsibilities and work-life balance, and Eurofound will analyse this further.

In coordination with the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Eurofound intends to research the multidimensional gender gap by investigating the impact on men and women of the COVID-19 crisis in terms of employment participation, material living conditions and well-being – in order to identify the differences and assess its effect on gender gaps.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action addressing the challenges and opportunities for the EU and national levels in the area of living conditions and quality of life. In particular, it will monitor the impact of COVID-19 and the ensuing economic crisis by providing knowledge on status, trends, risks, as well as ways to improve living conditions in the EU. Eurofound will focus on identifying and analysing pressing issues for the most vulnerable groups, specifically older citizens and young people. Eurofound will also inform policymakers by producing evidence on trends and drivers in relation to the delivery of public services, also linking in, for example, with the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, the research will support policy initiatives and activities linked with the implementation of the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, the Youth Guarantee, the Child Guarantee and the European Semester and its country-specific recommendations.


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues to monitor trends in living conditions and quality of life, against the backdrop of the health-related and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the implications of the war in Ukraine, rising energy prices, and increases in costs of living. Building on the various rounds of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, as well as on data gathered in 2023, the Agency investigates the impact of these challenges on the living conditions of Europeans.

The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) commences in 2024, including some questions on working conditions and living conditions relevant to the aftermath of COVID-19. The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) follows in 2026 using lessons drawn from the 2024 EWCS.

Research concludes on identifying groups not covered by social protection, due to coverage gaps and non-take-up of minimum income and unemployment schemes. It also looks at adequacy of these benefits, digitalisation of application procedures, linked service entitlements and sanctioning measures. Eurofound also publishes its findings on EU citizens’ rights and opportunities to live independently. It analyses the situation faced by various vulnerable groups and provides an overview of measures that facilitate family- and community-based care and support in the Member States.

Building on previous work on young people, research concludes on the life and prospects of young people in the post-pandemic era. Using new data collected in 2023, this research assesses the long-term impact of the pandemic on this group, looking into changes in the social situation of young people, as well as their quality of life, mental health and future prospects.

Analysis of the monitoring framework of the European Child Guarantee comes to an end in 2024, while new research starts to support national governments and the EU institutions in the implementation and evaluation of the Child Guarantee since it came into force. This work investigates the Member States’ levels of performance and their disparities, building on its previous work on convergence. It focuses on the workforce needed to deliver the Child Guarantee in areas of early childhood education and care, education, healthcare and other relevant sectors.

Considering the importance of care provision in EU societies, new research investigates informal care provision in the EU, the challenges faced by informal caregivers, and the measures in place to support them. This research considers care provided to people of all ages, while taking into consideration the diversity among informal carers. 

Eurofound launches new research on mental health services, investigating trends in and prevalence of mental health problems for different groups and how these needs are met in various countries in light of the pandemic and the arrival of Ukrainian refugees. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 Sausis 2024
Work programme

Neįperkamas būstas ES kelia didelį susirūpinimą, nes neįperkamumas lemia benamystę, finansinius sunkumus, nesaugų ir netinkamą būstą. Be to, dėl šios priežasties jaunuoliai negali išsikelti iš tėvų namų. Šie sunkumai daro...

30 Gegužė 2023
Research report

2022-ųjų pradžia buvo kupina atsargaus optimizmo. Europa pamažu ėmė atsigauti po dvejus metus trukusios COVID-19 pandemijos, o "NextGenerationEU" ekonomikos gaivinimo planas numatė stiprios ir tvarios ateities kūrimo priemones. Tačiau metų...

4 Gegužė 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit

Massimiliano Mascherini has been Head of the Social Policies unit at Eurofound since October 2019. He joined Eurofound in 2009 as a research manager, designing and coordinating...

Head of Unit,
Social policies research unit

Sanna Nivakoski is a research officer in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. Before joining Eurofound in 2021, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at University College...

Research officer,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (308)

Vos per kelias savaites naujo koronaviruso sukelta COVID-19 pandemija radikaliai pakeitė žmonių gyvenimą visame pasaulyje. Be pražūtingų padarinių nuo viruso tiesiogiai nukentėjusių žmonių sveikatai, COVID-19 pandemija padarė didelį poveikį žmonių gyvenimo ir darbo būdui ir labai paveikė jų fizinę

06 May 2020

This report summarises out-of-school care (OSC) in the EU and examines related issues, including take-up of OSC, barriers and policy solutions. The report uses information gathered by the Network of Eurofound Correspondents, data from the European Working Conditions Survey 2015 (EWCS 2015), the Euro

03 April 2020

To support the European Commission’s objective of ensuring Europe is fit for the digital age, this report examines the use of digital technologies in social services and the policies that promote digital transformation. The report explores some of the main issues involved in implementing

02 April 2020

This report addresses the problem of household over-indebtedness, which is broadly defined as being unable to make payments related to regular commitments.

12 March 2020

Quality of life data show that in most countries, the capital city has advantages compared to the regions outside the capital. In light of the continued growth of capital city populations and the concentration of resources within them, this policy brief explores the source of the advantages of

27 January 2020

Demographic change, social progress and economic cycles have impacted household composition in Europe. This report provides an overview of household types in the European Union, how they have changed over the period 2007–2017 and how household type relates to outcomes in terms of living conditions

19 December 2019

This report maps developments in the size of the middle class in the EU between 2004 and 2015 using Eurostat’s SILC survey, and analyses life satisfaction by income quartile (using Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Surveys). Before the crisis, the middle classes had expanded in around two-thirds

30 October 2019

What have been the major developments in quality of life and public services in Europe in recent years, as captured by research into these areas in Eurofound’s work programme for 2017–2020? This flagship publication provides a synthesis of the main findings on several key topics, based, in part, on

22 October 2019

Good quality public services are a key element in EU debate and contribute greatly to meeting needs for health and welfare, and enabling people to participate in society and the labour market.

15 October 2019

Public services are essential for achieving high levels of social protection, social cohesion and social inclusion. However, to be effective in this regard, services must be of good quality and they must be equally accessible to the broadest possible range of citizens.

11 July 2019

Online resources results (219)

Challenges of achieving a work-life balance in Spain

The report Informe España 2004 [1] (2004 Report for Spain) was published by the Fundación Encuentro [2] in May 2004. An annual publication since 1993, the report provides a series of analyses on social, economic and political issues in Spain. The 2004 report devotes a chapter to the balance of work

New working time model involves change of culture

A research project into German ‘working time on trust’ arrangements, funded by the Hans-Böckler Foundation [1]/,/ examines experiences of these voluntary schemes at company level. The project focuses on how this personal time scheduling system can contribute positively to quality of work and worker

Low uptake of working time accounts

A recent study on flexible working time arrangements offers an insight into how companies manage working hours and how employees juggle their time in order to balance the demands of career and private life.

Job autonomy varies with income and qualifications

Employees with the highest skills, best qualifications and highest incomes enjoy the highest levels of job autonomy in working life. Unskilled workers and low-income employees are the least favoured in this regard. The study, Degrees of job autonomy [1], /(pdf file -/ in Danish, /Dimensioner af

Social security contributions, wages and labour market feature in run-up to central bargaining

With negotiations over a new intersectoral agreement due later in the year, the debate in Belgium in spring 2002 has focused on social security contributions, the growth of wage costs and labour market participation. On the first point, the federal government has in recent years taken measures to

Ver.di seeks to give prostitutes a voice

In January 2002, the Unified Service Sector Union (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, ver.di) announced a new plan to support sex industry workers. While it has been estimated that some 400,000 prostitutes work in Germany, offering their services a total of 1.2 million times a day, trade union

Equality is Qualityawards recognise good practice

In January 2002, the winners of Portugal's annual 'Equality is Quality' prize, awarded by the tripartite Commission for Equality in Work and Employment, were announced. The prize is designed to reward good practices by employers in promoting equality of opportunity for women and men. In 2002, the

Government initiatives spark major confrontation with trade unions

Between November and December 2001, the Italian government launched three important reform initiatives in the fields of labour market institutions, the pension system and the tax system. The Cgil, Cisl and Uil trade union confederations sharply criticised the government's action, both because of the

MEDEF makes proposals for social protection reform

In November 2001, France's MEDEF employers' confederation issued proposals for the reform of the social protection system. They clearly reflect the organisation's desire to separate employment-related social protection from those aspects of welfare that have been extended to the whole population

Unions and employers set out demands for public sector bargaining round

In the spring of 2002, the employers' organisations and trade unions in the Danish public sector will renegotiate the current three-year collective agreements concluded in 1999 (DK9903114F [1]). If the social partners conclude two-year agreements, the public sector bargaining cycle will again be in

Blogs results (32)

Discussions on Germany at European level invariably focus on the country’s strong economic performance and how this relates to the labour market and broader society. This is a narrative I have myself contributed to in a previous blog piece. However, Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS)

7 Kovas 2018

The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), carried out by Eurofound every four years, explores a variety of aspects related to living standards, health, family and work–life balance, as well as people's happiness levels, satisfaction with their lives, and their perceptions regarding the quality of

21 Vasaris 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Officer Daniel Molinuevo looks at the service providers delivering long-term care to older people in Europe.

18 Sausis 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Manager Anna Ludwinek looks at the substantial section of the population that is not working and does not figure in unemployment statistics, but retains significant employment potential.

20 Gruodis 2017

Europe – a world-class place to live and work? ‘A world-class place to live and work.’ That is how President Juncker described Europe at the summit to formally proclaim the EU Pillar of Social Rights in Gothenburg last month. And he added: ‘Europe is more than just a single market, more than money

7 Gruodis 2017

In-work poverty increased during the economic and financial crisis that hit European shores in 2008. By 2014, ten per cent of European workers were at risk of poverty, up from eight per cent in 2007. Ten per cent is a significant figure: the working poor represent a substantial group that can’t be i

13 Spalis 2017

Average unemployment rates continue to fall across Europe, employment is growing again in middle-paying jobs, offshoring is on the decline, the proportion of routine jobs is falling, and efforts to make work more sustainable have borne fruit.

6 Birželis 2017

Equality of opportunity and upward social mobility are important aspects of the European social model. Until quite recently concerns about rising inequalities were often countered by assurances about protecting social mobility, and the assertion that an individual’s status is mainly down to their wo

26 Balandis 2017

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in employmen

26 Rugsėjis 2016

In this blog piece, originally posted on Social Europe, Eurofound Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés looks the complex and multi-faceted story of what it is to live and work in the European Union of today.

13 Birželis 2016

Upcoming publications results (4)

This factsheet will provide a snapshot of society and quality of life in spring 2024. It will look at a number of issues, including mental well-being, trust, access to healthcare, social support and coping with increases in the cost of living. The analysis is based on the Living and working in the

December 2024

This report analyses data from Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Telephone Survey (EWCTS), the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey and official statistics to examine employment trends, working conditions and social inclusion challenges experienced by young people in the Western Balkans (Alba

November 2024
Research report

Social protection can include a range of entitlements to monetary and in-kind benefits. Eurofound’s project focuses on unemployment and minimum income benefits. Social protection can provide a safety net for people who are negatively impacted by the green and digital transitions. During the COVID-19

October 2024

This report explores the implications of the right of all EU citizens to live independently. It investigates the barriers faced by people who wish to live independently, and the situation of people at risk of living in institutional settings. It maps the various measures taken by EU Member States to

October 2024
Data results (1)
24 Spalis 2023
Reference period:


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