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Communication calendar

Mr Simon Coveney, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment visited Eurofound, the only EU Agency in Ireland, for the first time on Thursday, 1 June 2023, along with the Minister of State Mr Neale Richmond.

Other type of event

Onbetaalbare huisvesting is een punt van grote zorg in de EU. Gebrek aan betaalbare woningen leidt tot dakloosheid, woononzekerheid, financiële druk en ontoereikende huisvesting. Ook ontneemt het jongeren de mogelijkheid het ouderlijk huis te verlaten. Deze problemen ondermijnen de gezondheid en het

30 May 2023

Mr Peter Burke, TD, Minister for European Affairs, visited Eurofound, the only EU Agency in Ireland, for the first time on Wednesday, 31 May 2023. Together with Eurofound’s Executive Director Ivailo Kalfin and other senior Eurofound staff, they discussed highlights of our current research findings

Other type of event

De term “hybride werken” werd algemeen bekend door de plotselinge toename van telewerken tijdens de COVID-19-pandemie, toen bedrijven en werknemers begonnen te bespreken op welke manieren het werk na de crisis kon worden georganiseerd. De term wordt steeds vaker gebruikt om situaties aan te duiden

25 May 2023

The 10th meeting of the EU wide national child guarantee coordinators hosted by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (IRL), in cooperation with the European Commission, will take place at Eurofound today, Monday 22 May 2023.


The rise of the platform economy during the last decade is one of the main disrupting forces for European labour markets. While standard employment remains the norm, platforms are expanding their reach and diversifying into novel business models. In doing so, they are also attracting an increasing n

16 May 2023

The European Commission and the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU have jointly reviewed the progress of the Commission’s Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021–2027 at a summit on 15–16 May 2023.


On Thursday 11 May 2023 from 12:30 - 14:30, Eurofound organised, together with the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, its inaugural annual in-person lecture Living and working in Europe - Ireland at EU50, in Dublin.


Europe Day is a celebration of unity, solidarity and harmony. While we may not have had much to celebrate this past year, one thing we can be proud of is how Europe has come together in the face of large-scale challenges and threats, showing that solidarity is the key to resilience and resolve.

8 mei 2023

This publication comprises individual country reports on developments in working life in each of the 27 EU Member States and Norway in 2022, based on national research and survey results. The topics covered include the policy responses of governments to inflation and how inflation has featured in

05 May 2023