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Digitalisation is the ongoing integration of digital technologies and digitised data across the economy and society. The twin green and digital transitions accelerate the pace of change affecting all aspects of our lives and will have many consequences for the future of work. Innovations and developments in advanced technologies are having significant effects in almost all areas of the economy and for society at large. Work, its content, its organisation and design, its regulation and protection, are all undergoing change. The continuous automation and digitalisation of services, and the growing introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace, continues to change the nature of work, skills needs, and how tasks are allocated, performed and assessed. This also often brings a blurring of boundaries between work and non-work activity.


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From January to June 2025, Eurofound supports the work of Poland's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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Eurofound research

Eurofound research on anticipating and managing the impact of change explores the impact of digitalisation on working life, as well as the links with the transition to a climate-neutral economy. This covers employment levels, working conditionssocial protection and employment relations. In the context of restructuring and digitalisation, analysing the role of industrial relations and social dialogue in implementing such change is also important, as is the impact on society and citizens. 

The research provides evidence on structural changes, driven largely by these megatrends, but also recent crises, that can inform policy in ensuring just transitions which promote employment, good working conditions, social protection and workers’ rights, while also improving labour productivity, competitiveness and prosperity.

Digitalisation in the workplace

Research looks at the effects of digitalisation at company level on employment and working conditions, including social protection. Research on automation and digitisation continues to build on previous research on game-changing technologies, the nature of work in digitised workplaces, employee monitoring and privacy at the workplace, as well as on data from Eurofound's surveys. Eurofound analyses the impact of digitalisation on working life, looking at the human and ethical implications of digitalisation at the workplace, as well as exploring the characteristics and effects of human–robot interaction related to advanced robotics. 

Since 2017, Eurofound has been exploring these topics in a body of work structured around three vectors of change in digitalisation – automation, digitisation and platforms – that are affecting employment and working conditions and social dialogue. It examines the emerging aspects and challenges arising from rapid technological advancements, particularly in the areas of AI and algorithmic management. 


The research aims to provide policymakers, employers, workers and their representatives with insights on how digitalisation is reshaping employment and work.

As regards platform work, Eurofound’s platform economy repository continues to monitor the evolution of this form of employment and business model. Based on this, specific research explores initiatives tackling issues around employment and working conditions. 


Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Telephone Survey (EWCTS) carried out in 2021 provides updated data analysis on the impact of telework and ICT-based mobile work on various elements of working conditions and regulations.

Restructuring linked to megatrends in the economy

The European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) events database also captures where restructuring is specifically linked to digitalisation. Similarly, the ERM support instruments and legal databases have expanded to cover restructuring-relevant information related to digitalisation and the transition to a climate-neutral economy. Drawing on 2023 updates linked with anticipating and managing change, two recent articles explore the issues of employee monitoring and algorithmic management.


Informing the policy debate

Research on the twin transition related to digitalisation and climate change could provide relevant information for policymakers seeking solutions to make markets work better for consumers, business, workers and society, for the sustainable development of cities and urban areas, and to support regions to improve their infrastructure and access to services.

Key outputs


Interaction between workers and robots is expected to increase in modern workplaces due to rapid advancements in robotic technologies. This report explores the opportunities and challenges that come with closer...

22 juli 2024
Research report

Automation and digitisation technologies, including artificial intelligence, are rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly powerful and pervasive. The full range of their effects in the workplace is yet to be seen...

12 september 2023
Research report

The retail banking sector is fertile ground for studying the impacts of digitalisation on work and employment. Financial services are increasingly provided online, without the intermediary of customer-facing institutions. Many...

26 september 2022
Research report

Digitisation and automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), can affect working conditions in a variety of ways and their use in the workplace raises a host of new ethical concerns...

30 maj 2022
Research report

Research into the transformative potential of the digital revolution tends to take a quantitative approach in an attempt to monitor changes in employment levels due to digitalisation. The fear of...

25 oktober 2021
Research report

Digital technologies have made it possible for many workers to carry out their work at any time and anywhere, with consequent advantages and disadvantages. Eurofound data show that teleworkers are...

9 september 2021
Research report

EU context

Responding to the way digital technology is changing the lives of EU citizens, a priority for the European Commission is to create a Europe fit for the digital age, leading the transition to a healthy planet and a new digital world through its European Digital Strategy 2020–2025. Launched in February 2020, the Strategy aims to empower people with a new generation of technologies, helping to support the ‘just transition’ to a climate-neutral Europe via the European Green Deal. 

As part of its Digital Services Act package, published on 15 December 2020, the Commission proposed two legislative initiatives to upgrade rules governing digital services in the EU: the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA). These initiatives will change the way companies offer and use digital services. 

On 9 March 2021, the Commission issued its Communication setting out the vision for Europe’s digital decade, outlining a clear compass towards a successful digital transformation by 2030 in areas such as connectivity, skills and digital public services.

In December 2023, the European Parliament and Council reached agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), which marks a significant step towards regulating AI in the EU. The AI Act entered into force on 1 August 2024. This is the first-ever comprehensive regulation on AI worldwide with a staggered implementation process to ensure a smooth transition for businesses and institutions. Among the high-risk AI systems identified under the Act are those used in recruitment and work management, which are particularly relevant to Eurofound's research.

In response to the rapid development of platform work in the EU, the Commission put forward a proposal to protect people working through digital platforms. In April 2024, the Parliament adopted the platform work directive, which aims to improve working conditions and regulate the use of algorithms by digital labour platforms.

In 2020, the European social partners approved an autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation. 


Eurofound’s work on digitalisation links in with the Commission’s 2019–2024 priority on a Europe fit for the digital age. 


Eurofound expert(s)


Sara Riso joined Eurofound in 2006 and is currently a senior research manager in the Working Life unit. She is engaged in research projects focusing on digitalisation and working...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Dragoș Adăscăliței is a research officer in the Employment unit at Eurofound. His current research focuses on topics related to the future of work, including the impact of...

Research officer,
Employment research unit
Publications results (49)

Denne rapport har til formål at støtte europæiske virksomheder i at manøvrere i relation til de udfordringer, som covid-19-pandemien stiller. Fokus er på praksis og funktioner på arbejdspladsen, der har hjulpet virksomheder i hele EU med at udvikle operationel modstandsdygtighed, samtidig med at

09 December 2021

The rapid rise of the platform economy has led to a marked transformation of European labour markets, and existing regulatory frameworks and voluntary initiatives have yet to catch up. While platform work offers opportunities for workers and employers and potentially contributes to innovation, econo

02 December 2021

Forskningen i den digitale revolutions forandringspotentiale er tilbøjelig til at anlægge en kvantitativ tilgang i et forsøg på at overvåge ændringer i beskæftigelsesniveauet forårsaget af digitaliseringen. Den politiske debat om digitalisering har været præget af frygt for tab af arbejdspladser og

25 October 2021

Digitale teknologier har givet mange arbejdstagere mulighed for at udføre deres arbejde når som helst og hvor som helst. Det er der både fordele og ulemper ved. Eurofounds data viser, at telearbejdere har dobbelt så stor sandsynlighed for at overskride grænsen for arbejdstid på 48 timers om ugen, få

09 September 2021

The enormity of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives and work of Europeans is hard to capture, but Eurofound’s priority in 2020 was to record and assess the experience of this societal upheaval across the EU Member States in all its detail, variety and modulation. Living and working in E

07 May 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the accessibility of health, education and care services for all Europeans. This is also the case for children, who in several countries have seen their schools closed and replaced with remote learning. They have been affected, too, by the pandemic’

28 January 2021

New digital technologies have expanded the possibilities of employee monitoring and surveillance, both in and outside the workplace. In the context of the increasing digitalisation of work, there are many issues related to employee monitoring that warrant the attention of policymakers. As well as th

09 December 2020

Platform work– the matching of supply and demand for paid labour through an online platform – is still small in scale but is expected to grow. Accordingly, it is important to anticipate the opportunities and risks related to this business model and employment form. This report explores potential sce

21 September 2020

Developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have been among the key drivers of change in working life over the past two decades. Specifically, telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) exemplifies how digital technology has led to more flexible workplace and working time practice

02 July 2020

To support the European Commission’s objective of ensuring Europe is fit for the digital age, this report examines the use of digital technologies in social services and the policies that promote digital transformation. The report explores some of the main issues involved in implementing digitalisat

02 April 2020

Online resources results (31)

Tech employment in the EU – What happened after 2023’s big redundancy wave?

In 2023, thousands of workers in big tech lost their jobs. Meta, Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Salesforce had been considered to offer good and secure jobs up to this point. Giants of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, these companies are among the highest paying,

What constitutes cyberbullying? How widespread is the issue of cyberbullying at work? Is there sufficient legislation and workplace rules to address it effectively? Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Senior Research Manager Sara Riso.

18 december 2024

Micromanagement in the digital age: A form of (cyber)bullying?

As remote work has become more common post-pandemic, both employers and employees are confronted with a variety of challenges as they adapt their way of working. While managers may attempt to establish a new communication mechanism to ensure that work gets done remotely, employees may face challenge

Human–robot interaction: What changes in the workplace?

Explore our digital report summary. Understanding how workers and robots interact and the implications for work organisation and working conditions is crucial for robots’ successful integration into the workplace.

Employee monitoring: A moving target for regulation

This article explores the emerging risks from advanced monitoring technologies and how national jurisdictions are adapting to the challenges of digitally enabled workplace monitoring.

Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database captures new legislation concerning the use of algorithmic management in the employment

Image of woman paying for goods by credit card through a smartphone in a coffee shop

Bank restructuring: disruptors versus incumbents

While high-street banks reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic by accelerating the push to digitalisation and cutting jobs, some digital-only banks are recruiting new staff to meet growing demand. An example is the ‘disruptor’ bank Revolut which has recently announced the creation of 1,000 jobs worldwide,


Twin transition and pandemic challenge Eurofound to increase expertise, strengthen partnerships, expand reach, says new Director

Eurofound welcomed Ivailo Kalfin to his new role as Executive Director on 1 June. After one month in the job, he reflects on the challenges facing the EU, how they will impact on the work of Eurofound and his priorities for shaping the Agency over the next five years.

Blogs results (23)

The platform economy is one of those moving targets, which, despite receiving increasing media and policy attention, has proven difficult to regulate. Given the heterogeneity of employment relationships, business models, types of platform work and cross-border issues, this is not surprising. Yet, in

27 september 2022

Telework has become a permanent feature of working life in Europe. While we’ve seen the benefits of more flexible ways of working – particularly during the pandemic – the problems that arise from an increasingly connected life are also becoming clearer. Unfortunately, legislation alone may not be en

13 juli 2022

The answer is yes – potentially. Assessing the environmental benefits of telework is a complex task, because any move to work from home involves a series of changes in individuals’ daily lives and activities, as well as company-level decisions, that may positively or negatively influence the level o

23 juni 2022

Whether it is couch surfing, baby-sitting, pizza delivery or getting Ikea furniture assembled by somebody who can do it better, platforms can mediate all kinds of voluntary or professional services. Platform work is at the heart of the ‘sharing economy’. But while this may sound like a new form of

31 marts 2022

When it comes to Europe’s COVID-19 recovery and its aspiration to build back a more resilient society, the so-called green and digital transitions have dominated EU policy discussions. And as Eurofound made preparations for the 2022 Foundation Forum – a unique occasion for high-level debate on the s

11 marts 2022

The advent of AI has far more consequences for how work is organised, performed and valued than any previous technological revolution. In order to make the most of this digital transformation we need inclusive and nuanced policy debates on its employment effects and how to future-proof policies: we

8 december 2021

The massive and rapid adoption of telework in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 lockdowns exposed gaps in the legislation governing telework arrangements across the EU Member States. In some cases, there was no regulation in place; in others, it was too restrictive. Governments scrambled to put tempo

31 maj 2021

While 2020 may come to be seen as the year platform work gathered pace and started to go mainstream – thanks in large part to COVID-19 containment measures sparking an increase in food and grocery delivery – 2021 could be the year that regulation of platform work is set in motion. The well-known tax

24 februar 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic compelled governments to take exceptional measures to monitor and control the spread of the Coronavirus. Among them was the introduction in most EU Member States of tracking apps to gather data on citizens who have contracted the virus and to trace their contacts, a measure tha

13 januar 2021

​​​​​​​With remote working becoming the new normal for many workers, it is surely the case that many employers are anxious to ensure that their employees are putting in full working days. Companies are likely to be investing in and deploying digital technologies for tracking employee performance muc

9 december 2020

Upcoming publications results (7)

As the digital revolution unfolds, the rapid advancement of AI and algorithmic management technologies is poised to profoundly transform the world of work and employment. Building on Eurofound's established conceptual framework, which identifies automation, digitisation and platforms as key drivers

February 2026
Eurofound research paper

Building on existing Eurofound research, this report examines how digitalisation, digital skills, innovation and training strategies influence job quality, working conditions and training access in European SMEs. It compares SME workers to the broader workforce, identifying barriers unique to SMEs

October 2025

This report maps the state of digitalisation of social benefit systems in the EU Member States and Norway. It examines to extent to which interaction with citizens and back-office processes have been digitalised. The study highlights areas where digital technologies have been introduced to improve

October 2025

The twin transitions - green and digital - are reshaping key sectors in the EU, and impacting on employment, skills, working conditions and employment relations. This series of reports explores these changes in three crucial sectors: automotive, construction and tourism.

September 2025
Research report

Digitalisation has been on the EU policy agenda since 2000. While significant progress has been made in this regard, the digital transformation is not yet complete. This report seeks to deepen our understanding of the evolution towards a digital Europe. By applying the convergence lens, this report

June 2025

This Eurofound research paper builds on the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) data and provides an overview of key trends in restructuring in recent years, highlighting the companies, sectors and regions in Europe that experienced the greatest job losses and job gains. It also examines the variou

May 2025

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) has been extended until 2026. The RRF is integrated into the European Semester framework for economic and social policy coordination. It is the cornerstone of the NextGenerationEU package.

March 2025
Data results (8)
24 oktober 2023
Reference period:


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