2025 marks the first year of the five-year period of the EU policy and legislative cycle for 2025–2029. Eurofound's work plan is aligned with the EU’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at improving job quality and creating inclusive labour markets.
Preserving and creating new jobs remains a priority for the EU. Eurofound’s EWCS 2024 provides comparative data on and unique insights into trends in the development of working conditions and job quality across the EU. This research helps policymakers to deliver on the promise of leaving no one behind when it comes to equal opportunities and access to the labour market, fair working conditions, and social protection and inclusion.
Analysis of working conditions in specific sectors, such as the care sector or sectors and occupations particularly affected by the twin transition, aims to assist decision-makers, including company-level actors, to take job quality into account when addressing labour shortages and changing skills requirements.
Evidence on the working conditions of workers in new forms of work aims to assist policymakers in understanding the specifics of this issue and offer recommendations for appropriate solutions for instance regarding working time regulation, remote work or the right to disconnect.
Research on the impact of technological change, and specifically the use of AI in the workplace, provides evidence to inform initiatives to regulate the use of AI in the workplace.
Eurofound’s work also informs policies that strive to reduce inequalities between and within countries, regions and local areas with the aim of fostering upward convergence.